Michael Saad Named to Becker’s Top CIOs; the Medical Center Earns 2021 Most Wired Recognition

Senior Vice President and CIO, Michael Saad
Becker’s Hospital Review named The University of Tennessee Medical Center’s Michael Saad to the 2021 edition of their list, Top 102 CIOs in Hospital and Health System CIOs To Know. Saad is the Medical Center’s senior vice president and CIO. He is responsible for IT support and implementing platforms that further the health system’s strategic goals.
The executives featured on this list lead technology and health IT initiatives for hospitals and health systems across the country. They oversee EHR installations, cybersecurity, data management and telemedicine services. Many have built robust technology departments and teams, including clinical and non-clinical experts. The individuals and institutions featured on this list have received recognition from the Health Care Information and Management Systems Society and the College of Health Care Information Management Executives. “It’s a distinct honor to be recognized as Becker’s Top 102 CIOs. This recognition would not be possible without the amazing support of my colleagues and friends,” said Saad.
“Michael continues to lead the way for innovation, implementation, and support of technology services and solutions,” said Ben Cunningham, senior vice president and chief financial officer at The University of Tennessee Medical Center. “Michael’s mission and expertise guides our information system that benefits our patients, team members and physicians. We are fortunate to have Michael as part of our team.”
The College of Health Care Information Management Executives (CHIME) is pleased to announce that The University of Tennessee Medical Center has earned 2021 CHIME Digital Health Most Wired recognition as a certified level 9, up from level 8 last year. This is the third year UT Medical Center has achieved this recognition and continues to achieve a higher status year after year. The CHIME Digital Health Most Wired program conducts an annual survey to assess how effectively health care organizations apply core and advanced technologies into their clinical and business programs to improve health and care in their communities. “Technology is at the forefront of the transformation we are experiencing in health care today. Through the innovative use of technology, we are providing better patient outcomes and experiences. At no time has health care IT been more critical, as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic together” said Michael Saad, UT Medical Center’s senior vice president and CIO. Saad continues, “I am very excited that The University of Tennessee Medical Center has again been recognized as a Most Wired health system. I am extremely proud to work alongside such a dedicated group of women and men as we continue to provide work-class care for our patients, families, and community”.
A total of 36,674 organizations were represented in the 2021 Digital Health Most Wired program, which includes four separate surveys: acute, ambulatory, long-term care and international acute. The surveys assessed the adoption, integration and impact of technologies in health care organizations at all stages of development, from early development to industry leading.
Each participating organization received a customized benchmarking report, an overall score and scores for individual levels in eight segments: infrastructure; security; business/disaster recovery; administrative/supply chain; analytics/data management; interoperability/population health; patient engagement; and clinical quality/safety. Participants can use the report and scores to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement. Participants also received certification based on their overall performance, with level 10 being the highest. This is the fourth year that CHIME has conducted the survey and overseen the program.